Experienced Chiropractic care for headaches in Barnes
Chiropractic has been found to be very beneficial in treating headaches and reducing migraine. When you come to the clinic a full medical and lifestyle history will be taken. Assessment of the head neck and spine will be done to assess where and what treatment is appropriate. This process takes 1.5 hours and in the majority cases will include treatment on the first visit. Unless referral to your GP is needed or it is felt the chiropractic is not appropriate at this time.
Inability to relax is also as connected to headache coupled with poor sleep chiropractic has also been found to help with is as well. Giving a good package of care to help overcome painful headaches.
Types of headaches may benefit from chiropractic :
Headache arising from the neck (cervicogenic)
Mechanical neck pain (as opposed to neck pain following injury i.e. whiplash)
Migraine prevention.
McTimoney chiropractic is gentle to receive and used on its own or the other therapies such as dry needling and taping could improve
our prices
Discounts available
Manor Green Chiropractic Clinic offers holders of a Blue Light Card or Defence Service Card a discount.
Get in touch for more details.