What is McTimoney Chiropractic

Chiropractors are trained to assess the neuromuscular system and identify restrictions, in balances and dysfunction. Our package of care involves spinal and peripheral joint adjustments and mobilisations, soft tissue treatments and advice on exercise, self-help, diet and lifestyle advice where appropriate.


Contact us today for more details.

Referral: Chiropractors have broad diagnostic skills and if your chiropractor feels your problem is not suitable for chiropractic care or needs further investigation, they will liaise with your GP and other healthcare providers to arrange an appropriate referral, as long as you provide your permission to do so.

Initial appointments take 1.5 hours.
Follow up appointments take 45 minutes.

our prices

Discounts available

Manor Green Chiropractic Clinic offers holders of a Blue Light Card or Defence Service Card a discount.
Get in touch for more details.

Registered with BUPA, AXA PPP and all other major health insurance companies
A registered Chiropractor with the GCC and a member of The MCA
BUPA, AXA PPP and all major health insurance companies accepted